Saturday, February 7, 2009

The dream process

Often, when I am ill, I cannot sleep. Seldom I cannot eat, but it happens. Some years ago I slept little, and then I could happen to sleep at the tramway and such places. Fell into sleep, to the dream world, for a couple of seconds, not always remembering the things I saw there.
The process of sleeping, going into sleep, can be gradual, when dream pictures come, and strange landscapes, mostly cities, for mye part, places I have never been.
When this happens, I relax, and feel sleep comes, or can come, I am nearer sleep then when ordinarily awake.
What kind of pictures you get in that kind of state is individual, I guess, formerly I got other pictures, worse, of hell and that kind, dirt, mud, trash, excrements, a huge sump of excrements, some 15 years ago.
I saw deep shit, I can say now, in the world, now I see new landscapes. Good. Cities, and also the countryside.
So then is dream, when you are there, not realizing that you are asleep, congruent everything, you make fairy tales where anything can happen.
Formerly, for me, a bit movie-like, quite often.
And before that I dreamt of murder, with laser-weapons, and so on. Pictures.
So developement is there, regaining of these old, former dream-pictures and landscapes is important, to say the least, problems that are you. Was.
Now I often dream of wasting time. Interesting. I can be more dedicated to important things than I am. Surely.
I go into strange landscapes, and get lost. Can't find my way back. There.
This monster I can see now. Get rid of it.

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