Monday, August 27, 2007

Polish life

Structured by somebody, perhaps, life now in Poland is sexy. I don't like to use such words, ordinarily, as sexy, an adjective, life is sexy, but, to say the least, modern polish life seems extremely sexy. To make something out of this with pictures is not easy, but, we can start with misfits, pictures of other things, to get more close, close to reality.
Look closer, a term from Philosophy, when you think something of something, judge sometning, of something, that the girl you see up there in the street is from Japan. You can ask her, but cannot be sure she is telling you the truth before you know her, perhaps she does not know herself, so when can we be totally sure, there is much in our life we don't remember.
Can we reckognize a Pole if we don't hear the language? By body attitude and so on? In the way they dress, certainly not, this is kind of prejudices, but to get more close, you got to believe your own prejudices, later you can come closer and see the human being you are talking to, and then everyone will also change. Types are not constant. Never.
Everything is culture and background, your framework of references.
So what shall we say, I will investigate this, for for mye case, the polish life distract me from learning the language, I can't get too close to their cabinets, something is always missing, the flavour of these people I only can say seems deeply misunderstood.

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Babes and dolls, they are not, they are something completely different, the girls, just for the sake of misunderstanding, take an ordinary citizen from Norway, a local, so to say, will think instantly that these girls happen to be extremely interesting, but it is a question of sexy style, not of sex.

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Wait and see.

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