Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Poland that never existed

In former times there was a question if Poland existed. They were sure that God existed, but not Poland. The Polish people were in the same area, had the same language, but dit not exist as a state, or a country.

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Poland existed as an idea, like Kurdistan today. Kurd is a language, a defined language, with literature and so on. The most famous Polish authors, Mickiewicz, Slowacki and Krasinski, all lived when Poland dit not exist. In the 19th century. Like in Norway, Wergeland and Ibsen, Norway was under Sweden.
Bigger things than happened in Poland and Norway decided these countries' existence. Small countries need help from outside. 1918, end of the first world war, created Poland as a new national state. The old empire Austria broke down. To give states like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Jugoslavia, Romania.
From 1793 till 1918 there were no Poland.

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But people were talking, looking, living, working, then something happened, like in 1989, the fall of the Berlin wall, no more cold war, Poland was not any more a state that more or less belonged to Russia, before it was a couple of uprises, in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland, so now Poland more could decide for herself, now member of the European union.

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Well. What kind of existence does this country have. Specialized in agriculture, like the Ukraine, Poland produces food and exports food. And the language is distinguished, ranged among the most difficult languages in the world, to learn for foreigners. A slav language.
And there are national myths and hereoes, like King Jagiello, Jan Sobieski and Jozef Pilsudski, and there are saints.
Pilsudski, the chief of the state from 1918, kind of polish Machiavelli, a strange person with a long history before he became the boss, in prison for five years in Siberia in the 1880's, for example, my way of quarreling about this is the point that these heroes of the past create a patriotism that is no longer the thing, because this country now exists, in peace, so calm down, history have now to be told in a different kind of language, what happened exactly.
So these heroes never existed, they were just people from the past that were used when Poland were just an idea among someone, to create effortness to make a genuine state Poland. Now, relax.

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